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Join date: Sep 30, 2023


A retired agriculture teacher. L.D. Lauritzen has worked across the southwest. Working ranches in the Dakotas and Colorado. Construction all over the southwest, docks, dealing cards, and even a stint as a beekeeper. Through his travels he's met and worked with people in many walks of life. Through golf, coin-shooting, ghost-towning, and other activities, he brings life to his stories, characters, and plots. Along iwth my wife, I travel, take a lot of pictures, and been known to spin a tale or two. Somewhere along the way I decided to try writing. Not sure of what words I want to put to paper, I write a variety of short stories, westerns, mysteries, and science fantasy. I'm fascinated with life, and how we manage to still survive given our societie's penchant for destructive behavior.


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Palm Desert

L.D. Lauritzen

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