Most of my stories are about women in crisis, probably because I’ve faced so many in my lifetime. I offer possible solutions to celebrate the inner strength we sometimes forget we possess.
My career expands over thirty years. During the early years I experienced devastating rejections that nearly crushed me. Finally I started to learn the craft and was thrilled when my first agent offered a contract. I cried for two days.
In addition to writing, I’ve served as acquiring editor for a small press and was asked by The Midwest Writing Contest to serve as judge. I felt honored.
Once my publishing contracts expired, I republished as an indie author, so I’ve experienced both sides and learned from each.
The International Thriller Writers, and the Midwest Book Reviews, among others, have favorably reviewed my novels, and one of my supernaturals received a silver medal from Readers Favorite.
My short stories have been published in several literary journals, and True Story Magazine featured my story about Puddles, a rescue puppy, as a ‘Twelve-Tissue Tearjerker.’ Chicken Soup for the Soul published Nessie & Me, about how a stray kitten pulled mw out of a deep depression.
My current wip is thriller with a paranormal element.
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Brenda Hill
Author, Writing Coach